The Stress of being SuperWoman

It always seems to me that with the changes of the season come new stresses especially if you are a mom. For example, my daughter has begun taking dance class, granted it is only one day a week and I a gladly add it to my calendar to make sure we plan nothing else during that hour time frame. Unfortunately it leaves me wondering every week what I can accomplished in a half our while she is in class. Which leaves me feeling like I am trying to hard to multitask and leaves me feeling even more overwhelmed. At my inability to fit it all in. After all I am only trying to manage a home, manage a full time plus job, my own school work, my daughters social activities and my husband has begun traveling so far twice this year for business, which in itself is not bad, but he chooses to go during the stress months...hmmm wonder if their is any connection? Anyway, I should be able to do that have time to read adult books, magazines and blog and keep up with extended family of grandparents, friends and exercise right?  This two shall pass I tell myself shortly I will have it all down and then when dance ends next spring and school is done this winter for a few weeks and my job continues to change and be busier. I will make it all work, next summer my daughter will be into sports, drama and what ever else preschoolers can get into to keep her busy and encourage her passions until the beginning of school, which will bring about a whole new set of stresses and have me wondering how I did it this year. Until then Superwomen as my husband calls me is really feeling not so super just really stressed at the moment.
