Two Steps Forward and Back

This is always a unique time in life, when a child wants desperatly, to be a big kid and not a little kid. We take two steps foward, and I can do it mom I'm a big girl. Some days it's tears and frustration in the world that seems so unfair and friends that are not always so nice. A hug from Mommy, and a I'm sorry you are having such a rough moment, to reasuring her this is part of growing up and that she has to decide how to handle life when others are mean to her. A reminder to take the 'high road' as she will lead by example not mearly by words. Such a challenge for us all to learn no matter what the age, yet in this amazing person, I see the potential for greatness, not just as her mother, but as an educator, I see her curisoty to learn, her compassion, her desire to make a difference, her willingness to to consider what she does not understand and a healthy amount of fear of the unkown world around her.  I tell her that part of learning is making mistakes that we all make them it is a part of life.  That even adults make mistakes, in the end it's not the mistakes it is the journey and the lessons learned.
