Politics the Discussion

Yes I am touching a taboo subject or so I have been told and reminded that their are two topics you should never discuss, religion and politics. Yet, people do discuss them and so it many different formats for example, on my way to work each morning, there is a sign in someones yard that states, America needs to wake up and take back the nation and restore the Constitution. Every day, I tempted only briefly to knock on this persons door and first of all correct them, because their sign is incorrect it would not be America it would be the U.S. since America includes Canada, Mexico and South America as well. Although many people in our society choose to ignore that. Next I want to ask them to explain the sign to me what they mean by restoring the Constitution?  Are they taking back to the beginning and if so which version the one we have been using since 1798 or the first one which was the documents of the Confederate States. I am curious because their differences in each document about the approach and importance of our Federal Government. The other thing I want to understand, is how the voice of a few is good for the many. Clearly if this person and others like them got their way the only ones who would have say over how this government is run and who is in office would be White Anglo Saxon Land Owning Man. Since there are not many left it would be the voice of the few controlling the government of the many. If that is not what they mean then what exactly are they talking about. I am guessing that this is what they mean and I am uncertain of how the voices of even fewer people is good for the whole. Especially since the issue we have is that the voices of a few represent the many and so far at least it does not always work well.
