The Summer Contract

As any parent knows keeping your children engaged during summer time is not always an easy thing to accomplish. Although some kids would rather be outside most of the day, others, like my daughter would rather be gaming or watching you tube for kids. Since I refuse to spend a summer of her spending all day in front of the television when we are home. I sat her down and said we need to come up with agreed upon chores, and responsibilities for you this summer, that will not eat all of your time, but will have you helping around the house and keep you focused on what you learned this year and help you get ready for the following school year. To my surprise she was very into the idea of helping around the house and of keeping some sort of focus on her schooling so long as she could have time to game and watch her favorite you tubers.

We agreed upon a time she would get up Monday through Saturday, and what her day would start with, for example we have a few small pieces of work out equipment at home  because it's easier then going to the gym. She agreed to work on them so much five days a week, increasing every week, until we get to a comfortable area. cleaning her room every day, a vacuum schedule and helping with some wash, including learning how to do her own. Helping to plan weekly meals and some other stuff.  She also must read five days a week for a half hour and do an hour of school work each day during the week and the work varies by day, worksheets, research, science experiments, art projects etc...both to keep her engaged but to make it fun. Along with other activities and I know school work during the summer? why? well in truth she is a great student, and part of that is that she is kept engaged in learning, so she is using what she learned so she doesn't forget it and it also gives her a boost when learning knew things. It takes me a little bit of time upfront to plan her activities and on the other side to correct her work, but the benefits to her are worth the effort, she feels more confident going into a new school year and she loves to learn because she is aware that learning can be fun. She also has plenty of time to play games, watch you tube and to do other activities that she enjoys including hanging out with friends. Her immediate rewards are easy, if she does what she is suppose to during the week without myself or her dad nagging, then we get to do things, She also gets to stay up late one night and sleep in late the next day with no chores it is hers to spend how she wishes.

The goal is simple, I keep her engaged, I get extra help in the Summer months, and she learns things she needs to know both for home and continues to be engaged as a life long learner. To make sure she meets her side of the deal I took five minutes and typed up a contract, I had her read it and sign it and I signed it as well. She knows her rewards if she does what she is suppose to and what she loses if she does not.

This contract, does two different things, it puts into writing an agreed upon set of desired outcomes so she knows what to expect, which creates a positive experience, It also sets into place a responsibility on both sides of the expectations in regards to what is to be accomplished, in other words hard work equals rewards, this is a good lesson to learn at an early age or any age.
