Coming Back

Yes it's been a few years, life sometimes becomes overwhelming with the things that need to be done and that we want to achieve, and yet despite it all, some things don't change, trying to manage a family, and a business and looking to expand our horizons. Like all things we grow older and hopefully wiser and gain insight to both our selves and the world around us. For me that means I am know the mother of a tween, a very nice young lady with a great deal of intellect. I am constantly amazed at her abilities and willingness to grow and change.  I would like to think her dad and I have something to do with that. We are forever challenging ourselves in various ways, and I hope that she sees that even when you think things may not be possible you should not give up because they just might require extra work.

The one thing for me that has always remained consistent is that I have specific tools that help me deal with challenges and change forums if you will that force me to focus on the real reasons I do the things I do, because lets be honest there are always reasons for our actions and reactions, rather we chose to admit it or not. We face challenges on a daily basis and our challenge in dealing with them is to try and examine them and look at them beyond our normal response, this of course is rarely easy but I am reminded it is often almost always worth it.

Over the course of the next several blogs, I hope to address some of my 'challenges' and thoughts, they may not be easy to read they are rarely easy to write, when I am being honest. Some of you will read them and be amazed because it will explain some of why I do the things I do and react the way I do, and some of you will not be surprised by the events perhaps but perhaps  by the reaction I have chosen to take. 

Yes a sense of intrigue and suspense every good writer creates it, so I have been told, and I would like to believe that I am a good writer.

For today, however, I will say that I decided to try and start this journey of self awareness again, I must begin with the things I know work, a personal journal, blogging, yoga, meditation, finding my sense of center and calm amidst the storm and all ones needs to do is look around us to see the storms brewing on many different levels. So I am coming back to blogging and I am going to work on setting time aside every day to work on a blog and schedule them for publication accordingly based on various topics and ideas and as I said things I need to work through to move beyond where I am and look at the same challenges in a different way.

Growth is never easy but always worth it.
