
The other day I was talking with a friend who blogs and is very good at it.  She showed me one of her blogs and I thought I can do that so here I am writing down some of the thoughts that have been raising through my head today as my little one sleeps quietly in her room.

 Have you ever noticed how other moms say I don't know how she does it manages work, children and life in general? Only to realize that others are saying it about you and your stunned that people think it?  Especially since you don't feel as though you have it all together and you can't help but wonder  first am I that good at making it work, or are they worse off then I am. Which thought do you choose, one can be seen as conceded to some extent and one can be seen as being to hard on yourself. I had decided to choose the idea that they just don't know me well enough yet, or that I hide my insanity of trying to balance everything well. Until my husbands business partner stated he wasn't sure how I was managing the little one who is out of day care and training new employees at the same time. This statement kind of blew that acceptance of the their statements out of the water. What to think I have yet to determine how to react to that, because I do not feel altogether and organized, in fact I have work piling up and deadlines that need to me meant and I have to figure out short of working 3 days straight without interruption how to get it all done. Taking a deep breath, this makes me wonder also, how it is that we as women and mothers in particular just except the fact that we are suppose to do it all and manage it all and never lose our patience with our spouses and children and when we do we feel horrible. I haven't figured out how that happens but it seems to.

I don't have an answer because one answer does not really answer the question does it. Is it that we still want to accomplish all of the goals we had before having our children. Or perhaps because we feel we have to not change; and, in the middle of us trying to figure out who we are with becoming a mom  somewhere in all of those changes we experience our husbands look at us a little differently because as my husband put it there is a reason man don't have babies, we aren't strong enough to go through all of that. Because they know realize just how capable we are so they just expect it or is that we allow them to expect it? I am not sure. What I will say for certain is that I am amazed that people say I don't know how you do it and I must admit I get confused and say do what?
