Does it ever seem that sometimes your biggest critics are the ones that should be your biggest cheerleaders? I am not sure why it is that these people, the ones you count on to be happy and supportive that you are making changes in your life are the least supportive. Instead they inform you of their hang ups about what you are doing. All I want to say is seriously! Do you have to to interject your self doubt and willingness to live on the sidelines attitudes towards my life. If you can't be supportive then at least keep your self doubt and loathing to yourself. The difference I guess is that when I was younger I took it personally. Lately I have come to understand that it is not me at all and I need to take it where it is coming from. Still I find it frustrating that everything is meant the same way, I should be use to this person something spewing negativity since it is their M.O. so its not a huge surprise. And I get, well you know.....and the spew of their own fears and inability to try new things comes out. Or I get all the reasons they chose not to do something followed by a few reasons why I should. Oh gee thanks
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