In Memory Of

Today is the day that I take a huge step to reclaiming my place in this world, in the present and in the moment. Today, I walk, I am walking a 5k in the Dempsey Challenge in Memory of My grandmothers. On whom I adored and one whom I didn't know enough. Two strong women both in their own way both taken away by cancer. Grace died from liver cancer thankfully it was fast but difficult to watch, I won't forget the moment at work when my husband called my boss and said its time for Kim to leave. She came out and had someone take my register and said its time..I lost it as she handed me my stuff she walked me to the car and told me to call when I was ready she would take care of the next few days.  Charlotte who taught me so much about life and being a mom and being strong, died from lung cancer and thankfully I did not see it but as in her fashion she waited until no one was in the room because she didn't want anyone to see her gone. She died 12 hours after I found out I was expecting my daughter and I am convinced that she is the reason I have her today.  Today I walk for the other people that I love that have lost people they love from this horrible disease, today I walk in the hope that in my life time they will find ways to better treat it so that my baby girl will not know what Cancer is or does. Today is the day that I get back on track and won't allow the fear of my mammograms control me every fall and winter. Today is the day I walk for the two women who taught me how to be brave, strong and loving and who I see bits of peaces of every day in my princess. Today I walk in memory of them both with my eyes on the future and something to prove to myself. Today I prove what I know deep down in side that I have been dancing around for weeks. Today I walk in memory of two women I love that both love me and I am a better person because of it because of them.


  1. A brave and courageous thing to do Kim. I'm proud of you both.


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