The Balanced Approach

Have you ever meant parents that seem to have it all together? They have well behaved children, and you can stop at their house unannounced and its always neat, they are always on the go and never seem tired or even stressed. Than their are the parents who seem unable to manage any of it, they forget everything, they can't keep up with any of it and they are always stressed out. I am somewhere in the middle of these two camps, I can almost always manage the family schedule and get people from point A to point B with out difficulty.  My house however, is not always perfect, I often have dishes in the sink, and carpets that need to be vacuumed and I swear the wash multiplies while we sleep. I get frustrated and I am exhausted by the end of the day, with stuff on my list that never get done. My child is well behaved most of the time but has her moments like we all do. 

I find myself when I run across these people or in the company of friends that are like the first group wondering what the secret is, seriously when do you sleep if your house is always perfect and you have everything organized and ready to go all the time? I asked a friend of mine who is often like this and her comment was this, I learned to do some major steps to put me hear and know it is just easy because the family is use to it.

1. Family Calendar, with every ones' appointments and activities,
2. White Board for groceries, stuff we need for the house on the fridge, makes it easier
3. Everyone has chores, and a limited amount of TV or screen time
4.  Kids have a set routine, in the morning and at night
5. We eat at the table and everyone is involved at putting dinner on the table or cleaning up after dinner
6. Meals are planned according to family calendar, if someone has an activity that interferes with a normal dinner time, we plan a crock pot meal so everyone eats and cleans up after themselves
7. Make time just for you that is not school, or work related, that is used to exercise, and read a book that is relaxing
8. Get at least 7 hours of sleep
9. Drink plenty of water
10.  Have a sense of humor

I thought as she stated these I do most of this not all of it but most of it, so if I add these to our routine, life will be easier I said, she said not at first,
but they will adjust.  It sounds to easy but I will let you know how it works, I will start with two things right away more sleep when possible and water.
Let's see how it comes together, if the suggestions work I will keep you in the loop as we make changes to make life less stressful
